Can you believe that varicose stockings have at least 10 advantages?

First, let’s know what varicose stockings are?

Varicose stockings, a product with the function of promoting venous blood return to the heart, it is a medical instrument, a medical instrument for the prevention and relief of varicose vein diseases. It is not an ordinary sock, it is by the action and distribution of force, the highest supporting pressure is established in the ankle, gradually decreasing along the leg, reducing to 70%-90% of the maximum pressure value in the calf, reducing to 25%-45% of the maximum pressure value in the thigh, this decreasing change in pressure can make the venous blood return in the lower limb, Effectively relieve or improve the pressure on lower limb veins and venous valves.

Through the State Food and Drug Administration strict approval, certification of “varicose socks” to have the effect of prevention and relief of varicose veins, but can not play the role of treatment. When the traffic valve is damaged, mild swelling, skin itching and pigmentation appear on the upper medial malleolus, requiring a hospital visit.

Varicose stockings’ pressure is divided into three levels, from primary pressure to tertiary pressure increased step by step, corresponding to different populations. For example: first level pressure medical elastic socks are more appropriate for the health population; Secondary pressure varicose hose for those needing treatment; Level 3 stress socks are for people with more severe symptoms. For patients with varicose veins, insist on wearing them during the day and taking them off before going to bed at night, especially when traveling for a long time and doing strenuous activities.

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Photo by Ollebolle123 on Pixabay

10 Benefits of wearing varicose stockings:

1. Varicose stockings are used for restore the function of lower limb veins after operation. Prevent the recurrence of varicose veins.

2. Eliminate various postoperative edema and promote wound healing.

3. Eliminate swelling and soreness caused by varicose veins and lower limb venous blood return obstruction, make the blackened and hardened skin gradually better, and the ulcer skin heals. The tortuous veins, which have reduced the degree of varicosity, return to their original state.

4.Varicose stockings to prevent deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity in long-term bedridden patients.

5. Eliminate lower limb edema of pregnant women in the third trimester, and prevent lower limb varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis after childbirth.

6. Varicose stockings can prevent and treat economy class syndrome of air passengers.

7, for long standing, sitting, heavy manual workers can reduce lower limb acid dimension discomfort to prevent lower limb varicose veins.

8, long-term wearing, gentle pressure on leg muscles and fat, consumption of leg energy, prevent loose sag, improve leg line, reduce leg circumference, keep leg shape beautiful.

9. Elastic socks give strong supporting pressure to the ankle part which needs the most pressure, and gradually decrease along the leg. Contract the calf muscles to prevent venous filling and return blood to the heart, to achieve leg sculpting, beautifying curves, improving radish legs and preventing varicose veins.

10. It makes the user look slim.

At the same time, varicose veins stockings also have the other side effects:

1. Varicose veins stockings will be tight when put on because of the pressure on the legs, which will cause uncomfortable feeling on the legs. It takes time to get used to them.

2. Varicose socks can be hot in the summer.

Extended information:

Related extension: varicose vein prevention

1. Obese people should lose weight. Although obesity is not the direct cause, excessive force on the legs may cause poor leg venous return and aggravate venous dilation.

2, long-term engaged in heavy physical labor and long-term standing work, it is best to wear elastic socks, so that the superficial veins in the state of oppression.

3, women’s menstrual period and pregnancy and other special periods should give special care to the legs, rest more, often massage the legs, help blood circulation, avoid varicose veins.


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